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Crisis Support

The stress of life challenges or unforeseen circumstances is sometimes more than any one of us can manage on our own. UNC invites all community members to help co-create a culture where students, faculty, and staff are supported in managing and advancing their own mental health. It is okay to be overwhelmed and reach out for help. 

If your situation is immediately life threatening, call 911 or safely get to the nearest hospital.

Students, faculty and staff in urgent need of psychological assistance should 

Contact the UNC Counseling Center 

  • Call 970-351-2496  
  • Drop in at Cassidy Hall, Second Floor 

Emergency/Drop-in services at the UNC Counseling Center do not require an appointment and can be accessed between 9am-12pm and 1pm-5pm (with the last opening at 4:00pm, Monday through Friday, when the university is open).

Resources for Students

Resources for Faculty and Staff


Signs of Distress

  • Change in academic performance or behavior
  • Missed classes and assignments
  • Verbal or written references to suicide, self-harm, or violent behavior toward others
  • Disruptive behavior in class or other settings
  • Dependency (for example, consistently seeking personal advice or making excessive appointments)
  • Stated feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, isolation, or depression
  • Undue aggressiveness
  • Hyperactivity or very rapid speech
  • Marked change in personal hygiene
  • Attending class or work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Strange or bizarre behavior indicating loss of contact with reality
  • Unusual or exaggerated emotional response to a situation
  • Physical assault or threats of violence


Responding to Distress

  • Stay safe: If there is an imminent threat to your safety or that of others, call UNC Police at (970) 351-2245 or 911
  • Stay calm: Take a deep breath, maintain clear and consistent boundaries, and avoid raising your voice
  • Engage in active listening: Talk to the individual privately, let them know you are concerned about them, and thoughtfully listen to what they are describing
  • Ask direct questions: Don't be afraid to ask someone if they are having thoughts of suicide, self-harm, or harming others
  • Help explore options: Let individuals know about resources available to them and encourage them to seek help


Making Referrals

Does the student need immediate assistance?

If there is an imminent threat of harm to self or others

  1. Call UNC Police at (970) 351-2245 or 911.
  2. Report your concerns to the Dean of Students Office.

If the student is showing signs of distress, experiencing life stressors, or would benefit from some additional support

  1. Refer them to appropriate resources, for example:
  2. Submit a Referral for Student Support with the Dean of Students Office.

UNC faculty and staff can seek mental health support through the Employee Assistance Program or through their health insurance benefits.

UNC Flourish

In 2021, UNC began a five-year partnership with JED Foundation, the nation’s leading non-profit dedicated to supporting the emotional well-being of college students. We call our work UNC Flourish.

UNC Flourish Project logo.